ROAM Consultants provides a range of architectural history & historic preservation consulting services:

National Register nominations, historic resource surveys, rehabilitation tax credit applications, evaluations for Section 106 reviews, historic preservation grant writing, community outreach and heritage education projects, and architectural photography

  • National Register Nominations

    ROAM can prepare every part of your application to the National Register of Historic Places. We can complete all research, prepare a historic context statement, write an architectural description, take the right kind of photos to meet the NPS guidelines, and gather the appropriate maps.

  • Research Projects

    We love the smell of old books, the quite excitement of a trip to the library, and the nuggets of history hiding in an archive. If you need historic research for any reason, ROAM would love to help.

  • Section 106 Reviews

    Reviews for Section 106 projects don’t have to be a headache! ROAM can complete the necessary reviews of historic resources in your project’s area of potential affects.

  • Writing & Editing Projects

    ROAM offers writing and editing services, too! We can work with you to develop ideas for books, articles, and other writing projects. We can also generate our own research, or work with the research you provide. And finally, if you’ve already finished a draft of your project, we can edit it and make it error-free and ready to use.

  • Photography

    Sometimes you need a photographer for a history-based project, whether it’s for a National Register nomination, a Section 106 review, a rehabilitation tax credit project, a community heritage education website, or an upcoming book project. Architectural photography has it’s own challenges, and you should hire someone who can handle your unique lighting and site situations.

  • Educational Outreach

    Public education is the basis for every good historic preservation project. So when you’re starting a project to increase your community’s engagement with history, you need to hire professionals who understand how to best reach your audience and keep them interested.

  • Rehab Tax Credits

    ROAM can assist with every part of your state or federal historic rehabilitation tax credit applications (Parts I, II, and III). We can take your photos, prepare your paperwork, and communicate with your state’s SHPO to help fund your rehab projects.

  • Grant Writing

    If you have a historic building and a non-profit, we can help you find and apply for grants to rehab your structure. For example, historic preservation grants may be available to help non-profits pay for building projects from new roofs to total restorations. But historic preservation grants require extensive planning, so contact ROAM today to start a conversation!